domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011


UNITSUnit 1: The fruits

Objectives :
- To learn different types of fruits.
- To know the colors of the fruits.
- To taste the flavors of fruits.

Unit 2: the animals

- To learn de types of animals.
- To know the animal sounds.
- To learn where animals live.

Unit 3 : body parts

- To learn the different body parts.
- To know the five senses.
- To learn to identify their body parts.

Unit 4: the colours

- To learn the different colors.
- To see how the colors are written.

Unit 5 : The numbers.

Distribution Units


From day 7 to day 21 February : Unit 4 : the colors.
From day 21 February to day 7 March: Unit 1: the fruits.

March :

From day 7 to day 21 March: Unit 3: Body parts.
From day 21 to day 7 April: Unit 2 : The animals


From day 7 to day 21 April: Unit 5: The numbers.

Unit 5: The numbers

Didactic Unit Title: The numbers.
Sessions: 4.
Timing: 07-04-011/21-04-011.


- To listen and understand the numbers vocabulary.
- To speak and pronounce the numbers vocabulary and messages in Present Simple.
- To learn how to write the numbers.


• Concepts:

- Vocabulary:

1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
5. Five
6. Six
7. Seven
8. Eight
9. Nine
10. Ten

- Grammar:

Use the present simple of verb to be.

• Procedures:

- Listening: to listen the numbers vocabulary from the song and the flash cards.
- Speaking: to sing the numbers song and say the numbers.
- Reading: to see the numbers vocabulary from the reading cards.
- Writing: to review the numbers.

• Attitudes:

- Making things with effort to communicate in English.
- Being constant.
- Working in group.
- Being motivated in the classroom.

1st. SESSION. LISTENING. (Maria Marcet)


- Listen the numbers vocabulary and look the flash cards.
The teacher shows the flash cards and says the numbers.


- Listen the vocabulary and look the poster.


- Order the numbers.
The teacher gives children a paper with the numbers. She says the numbers and the children have to number the pictures in the order that the teacher said.



- Look the flash cards, listen the vocabulary and repeat.
The children look and listen the numbers vocabulary and they repeat.


- Listen and sing the song.

The children listen the song several times and the teacher sings and does mimic. Then, the teacher and a volunteer sing the song and do mimic.

The song numbers.

One, two and three good friends
Four, five and six good friends
Seven, eight and nine good friends
Ten good friends are we.


- Say the name of the flash card.
The children identify the flash cards and say the name.



- Look the reading cards.
The teacher shows and read the reading cards.


The children will have to join the numbers with your name. The number and their name will be of the same color.


The teacher will give the cards to children. Children will need to review the numbers from 1 to 10.

4th. SESSION. GAMES ( Susana Mas)

The teacher divides the class in three groups and each group do an activity.
The activities are:

• Do a puzzle

• Play bingo.

The teacher gives to the children a paper with a table and they draw 6 numbers. Then, the teacher says the numbers and the children will be crossing their numbers. The winner is the first that cross out everyone.

• Dance numbers.

The teacher will hand over each pupil a medal whit a number or the number name, which are the same colour. When the music starts the children will dance following the music. When the music stops, the children will look for their mate. The teacher will ask the children which number they have.

viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

"4th of July" activity 1st term work (2nd I.E.)


I chose the 4th of July holiday.

Age 3 and higher.

Understand our national symbols is important to develop a character trait important - the public.

Visit to a very simple for young children to enter a very special animal, bald eagle, America's national symbol and the national bird and a prominent figure in the Great Seal of the United States.

Art can help improve the activities listed below:

The puppet can be the narrator and the reader. You can bring the excitement and enthusiasm for reading time. Narrate the history of July 4th to older children.

The puppet can help introduce new matter or topic, such as letters of the alphabet (E is for Eagle), numbers, colors, seasons, special occasions and events. In this case, the puppet will teach the word eagle. Then they will divide a drawing of a rocket or Uncle Sam with a dog to color, all referring to July 4.

Once activities are completed, we will make a snack and ask them if they liked the day.

Needs painting, puppet and the different pictures that give children.

These activities intend to know the holiday celebrated on July 4 every year. Also spend a pleasant time with their peers.

My holiday is American but I've chosen because they are all doing the same, and so change a bit.

1. Independence Day is the birthday of the United States and celebrated the Fourth of July of each year.

John Adams, one of the founders of our new nation, he said, "I am inclined to believe that will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. Should be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion God Almighty. ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, bells, bonfires and illuminations, from one end of this continent to another, from now on forever.

Independence Day was first celebrated in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776.

In 1941, Congress declared July 4 a legal holiday.

2. Here I put the different pictures that would share the children:

domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

My activity!

Let's Pretend for Toddlers
This activity will give your child's large muscles a workout along with his imagination.


Give your child a series of instructions such as "Let's pretend you are a rabbit. Can you hop like a rabbit?" or "Let's pretend you are an elephant. Can you walk about like a big, heavy elephant?"
Try other animals and include things such as plants growing in the ground, a flower opening on a summer day, or a balloon being filled with air.

This activity is directed 3-year-old children. It serves them to exercise his imagination and simultaneously that they imitate to the animal or thing that he says to them they will repeat what I say this way also we will exercise the language.

viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009

activity 4

pollito- chicken ( Lidia )
gallina- hen ( Delia )
lapiz- pencil ( Susana )
y boli- pen ( Maria M. )

ventana – window ( Lidia )
puerta – door ( Delia )
techo- ceiling ( Susana )
y piso- floor ( Maria M. )

Si tu cantas conmigo podras comprender
If your sing with me , your can understand
Y verás que facil es hablar Inglés (TODAS)
And you will see that easy english is to speak

almohada- pillow ( Lidia )
cama –bed ( Delia )
mesa- table ( Susana )
y silla- chair ( Maria M. )

dedos –fingers ( Lidia )
cabeza- head ( Delia )
brazos- arms ( Susana )
y pierna- leg ( Maria M. )

Si tu cantas conmigo podras comprender
If your sing with me , your can understand (TODAS )
Y verás que facil es hablar Inglés
And you will see that easy english is to speak

pollito- chicken ( Lidia )
gallina- hen ( Delia )
lapiz- pencil ( Susana )
y boli- pen ( Maria M. )

ventana – window ( Lidia )
puerta – door ( Delia )
techo- ceiling ( Susana )
y piso- floor ( Maria M. )

pollito- chicken ( TODAS )
gallina- hen

Si tu cantas conmigo podras comprender
If your sing with me , your can understand
Y verás que facil es hablar Inglés ( TODAS )
And you will see that easy english is to speak

esto ha sido todo
this is the end ( TODAS )
y aqui termina
good bye my friend


activity 3 "video with a song."

Esta canción de los número en inglés está destinada para niños de 2 a 3 años. Y bueno con ello aprenden a decir los números asociandolo con las imagenes.
Los niños con esta canción pueden estar todos en pie y bailar y cada vez k diga un numero poner los deditos k hagan falta para contar las cositas que salen en el video.

Activity 2 "Stages of Language Development"

The theoretical basis of the English Language Development is based on research that shows that acquiring a second language is a developmental process in which students move through different stages like domain spanning the children when learn their first language. Generally there are five stages identified in the process of acquiring English.

The five stages are:

- Preproduction

This is the "silent period" of language acquisition. At this level students are getting a new language and trying to make sense in order to meet basic needs. Often at this level students can understand more than they can produce. The students' responses may be limited to gestures and actions. The lessons are focused on listening comprehension and receptive vocabulary building.

- Early Production

At this stage students begin to respond with short answers. The grammar and pronunciation errors are frequent. It is important that students are able to take risks and experiment with new language in a relaxed atmosphere that does not cause anxiety. The lessons at this stage expand receptive vocabulary and classroom activities encourage students to produce vocabulary that they already understand.

- Emergence of the conversation

At this stage they are able to use language to communicate more freely and begin to use English for academic purposes. The lessons continue to expand the vocabulary of students and classroom activities are designed to encourage the use of higher levels of language and complex.

- Intermediate Fluency

At this stage students conduct conversations in English that are close to native fluency. However, there are developing cognitive academic ability, particularly in the areas of reading and writing. At this stage, students engage in conversation and produce connected narrative. As we continue to expand vocabulary, classroom activities are structured to develop higher levels of language use in content areas, whereas reading and writing are incorporated into classroom lessons.

- Advanced Fluency

At this level students demonstrate fluency but similar to the native may be experiencing difficulties in acquiring high literacy levels. These students typically have completed the sequence of ELD instruction but have not reached the standard for reallocation. These students are usually enrolled in a traditional class of English Language Arts with modifications to address the development of their English literacy needs.


miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009